New this year, Western Pension & Benefits Council is offering pop-up meetings surrounding a topic of immediate interest and on timely issues.
Join us for this pop-up session on Thursday, November 16, 2017 from 12 pm to 1 pm for a discussion about recent health and welfare developments, including the Presidential Executive Order Promoting Healthcare Choice and Competition Across the United States and the Trump Administration’s recent actions related to the Affordable Care Act.
Jessica Rothe, Senior Manager of Compliance at Healthcare Management Administrators, Inc., and Howard Bye-Torre, Of Counsel at Stoel Rives LLP, will discuss the contents and implications of the Executive Order, the status of cost sharing reductions and the contraceptive mandate under the ACA, as well as any other questions that you may have about recent health and welfare developments.
Online registration closes two days prior to the meeting. In order to assure a lunch is available, register before November 14. For questions contact the WP&BC Seattle Chapter office at 206-623-8632. No refunds after November 14. $30 Members online; $40 at the door $40 Non-members online; $50 at the door Members must log in to get the member rate.
The November 16 pop-up meeting will be held at Stoel Rives,600 University Street, Suite 3600, Seattle, WA 98101
11:30 Registration & Lunch 12:00 Presentation
Register Here